Tuesday, October 28, 2008

pharm GRM week #12 (brief)

Week 12-Chapter 15

1. How is the effectiveness of a psychotropic drug therapy often measured?
a. verbal reports from patients regarding improvements in social and occupational functioning

2. What factors constitute ideal mental health?
a. emotional, psychosocial, and spiritual factors

3. What is psychosis and what is its hallmark?
a. severe emotional disorder impairing mental functioning impairing ADLs; hallmark is loss of contact with reality

4. What is another name for affective disorders?
a. mood disorders

5. What is the biochemical concept of mental illness?
a. abnormal levels of neurotransmitters

6. Which neurotransmitters play a role in maintaining mental health?
a. dopamine, norepinepherine, serotonine, and histamine

7. What advantages do newer antidepressants have over TCAs and MAOIs?
a. fewer and less severe systemic adverse effects and less drug-drug and drug-food interactions

8. How long does it typically take antidepressants to reach their maximum clinical effectiveness?
a. 4-6 weeks

9. How do TCAs work?
a. block reuptake of neurotransmitters to correct imbalance of concentrations

10. In general, how do antipsychotics work?
a. produce state of transquility and work on abnormally functioning nerves

11. What are the positive symptoms of schizophrenia?
a. hallucinations, delusions, and conceptual disorganizations

12. What are the negative symptoms of schizophrenia?
a. apathy, social withdrawal, blunted effect, poverty of speech, and catatonia

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