Thursday, February 25, 2010

question of the week

Question of the week for 02.22.10

To prepare a client for an Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) a nurse should include which action?

1. Instruct the client to maintain a regular diet the day prior to the examination
2. Restrict the client's fluid intake four hours prior to the examination
3. Administer a laxative to the client the evening before and an enema the morning of
4. I nform the client that only one x-ray of the abdomen is necessary

Monday, February 15, 2010

question of the week

Question of the week for 02.08.10

A client is admitted to the emergency room with a diagnosis of renal calculi and complaints of moderate to severe flank pain and nausea. The client’s oral temperature is 100.8 degrees Fahrenheit. The priority nursing focus for this client is which of these goals?

1. Maintain fluid balance
2. Control nausea
3. Manage pain
4. Prevent infection

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

question of the week

Question of the week for 02.01.10

A nurse is assigned to a client who has heart failure . During the morning rounds the nurse sees the client develop sudden anxiety, diaphoresis and dyspnea. The nurse auscultates, crackles bilaterally. Which nursing intervention should be performed first?

1. Take the client's vital signs
2. Place the client in a sitting position with legs dangling
3. Contact the health care provider
4. Administer the prn antianxiety agent