Monday, September 21, 2009

question of the week

for the week of 09.21.09

A nurse is providing instructions for a client with asthma. Which of these factors should the client monitor on a daily basis as a priority?

1. "Respiratory rate"
2. "Peak air flow volumes"
3. "Pulse oximetry"
4. "Respiratory effort"

Monday, September 14, 2009

Next SNA Meeting

Come to the next SNA Meeting
Monday September 21st
1:00pm to 2:30pm in Locke-118

Shari Garabaldi, an attorney, in Stockton will be our guest speaker about the legal paperwork within a patient's medical records...such as power of attorney, advance directives and more. In addition, Debbie and Angela will be answering all of your burning PDA questions. Remember that lunch is served so please come and join all the fun!

Fall 2009 SNA Board

question of the week

for the week of 09.14.09

A nurse is caring for a client with heart failure. Which finding requires the nurse's immediate attention?

1. "Pulse oximetry of 85%"
2. "Nocturia"
3. "Crackles in lungs"
4. "Diaphoresis"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

question of the week

for the week of 09.08.09

A client is diagnosed with methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus pneumonia (MRSA). What type of isolation is appropriate for this client?

1. "Reverse"
2. "Airborne"
3. "Standard precautions"
4. "Contact"

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

very useful information in Mr. Scott's docushare:

-EKG review powerpoint
-interview #2 with Ms. Antaran

question of the week

for the week of 08.31.09

What is the feeling called after a cocaine high where the user commonly experiences an extremely unpleasant feeling?

1. "Craving"
2. "Crashing"
3. "Outward bound"
4. "Nodding out"