Thursday, February 25, 2010

question of the week

Question of the week for 02.22.10

To prepare a client for an Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) a nurse should include which action?

1. Instruct the client to maintain a regular diet the day prior to the examination
2. Restrict the client's fluid intake four hours prior to the examination
3. Administer a laxative to the client the evening before and an enema the morning of
4. I nform the client that only one x-ray of the abdomen is necessary

1 comment:

a.ha said...

The correct answer is number: 3

Delaune, S., & Lander, P.
Fundamentals in nursing: Standards and practice (3rd ed).(2006).
Clinton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.