Wednesday, May 13, 2009

question of the week

for the week of 05.11.09

Which of these clients, all of whom have the findings of a board-like abdomen, would the nurse suggest that the health care provider examine first?

1. "An older adult client who stated, "My awful pain in my right side suddenly stopped about three hours ago."
2. "A pregnant woman of eight weeks newly diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy."
3. "A middle-aged client admitted with diverticulitis and has taken only clear liquids for the past week."
4. "A teenager with a history of falling off a bicycle without hitting the handle bars."

1 comment:

a.ha said...

The correct answer is number: 1

Lewis, S.L., Heitkemper, M.M., Dirksen, S.R., O'Brien, P.G., & Bucher, L. (Eds.).
Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment & management of clinical problems (5th ed.).(2007).
St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.